Skyfall is the latest installment of the James Bond franchise. It is Masterfully directed by Sam Mendez and stars Danial Creig as the super spy himself.
The film starts off with a computers hard drive being stolen and it is later reveled to have every NATO secret agent true and false identity's on it. As a mysterious villain starts uploading the agents true names on the internet James Bond is sent to eliminate a target who is the suspected thief of the hard drive. while bond is away an attack on M's life (played by Judy Dench) puts even more pressure on an aging bond to find catch and kill the thief known only as "silver" (played amazing by Javier Bardem)
I am going to go out and say it this is the best bond film of all time. It has everything you want in a bond movie spectacular action a great villain and great sweeping shots of exotic locations, it even has the classy score to boot.
Danial Crieg shows us once again that he is the best bond of all time and both Javier Bardem and Judy Dench give amazing performances as the surprisingly deep characters of M and Silver
The only problem i had with the film was when the ending came you didn't want it to stop despite the film having a two and three quarter hour length.
This film is action packed surprisingly deep but still most importantly fun. This film proves you dont have to create a grim dark look at the James bond universe but still somehow marries the tone of casino royal and the older films into one near perfect movie.
I will give Skyfall a 10/10
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